Gemstones Rollerball Pen Collection by Aurora®
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Aurora�: Gemstones Rollerball Pen Collection
Aurora® presents another modern and functional series. Style has a glamorous touch which catches attention from the very first glance. It seduces with its simple line, convinces with its strong appeal....Gemstones!
closed: 5 3/8"; posted: 5 3/4"
0.7 oz
RB refills recommended:
Schneider® Topball 850 05, Schmidt® 888/5888/5285, Hauser® 707sf/777sf
Fineliner/FL refills recommended:
MonteVerde® Fineliner refills while supplies last
gift box:
Gemstone RB in stock: ONE Rose Quartz
All other colors/quantities are special order items so allow 2-3 weeks to receive once order is placed. Subject to availability.