Ipsilon Quadra Pattern Sterling Silver Fountain Pen Aurora®
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An innovative line with a strong attitude, Ipsilon is unmistakable with its uniquely shaped clip.
The Ipsilon Quadra is available in 14 kt. nib in extra fine to broad as well as Italic. The crosshatch pattern in sterling silver is a loyal everyday companion.
Available in matching roller ball and ball point finishes/patterns.
14 karat gold; XF, F, M, B and Italic
ink supply:
ink converter or ink cartridges
FP bottled ink recommended by:
De Atramentis®, Noodler's Ink®, Parker®, Pelikan®, Private Reserve Ink®, Sheaffer® Skrip®,Waterman®
FP ink cartridges recommended from:
MonteVerde®, Private Reserve Ink®, Schneider® 600, Sheaffer®
Special order items so allow 2-3 weeks to receive once order is placed. Subject to availability.