Workman Clutch Long 5.5 mm in paper box Pencil Series by E+M® of Germany
Workman Clutch Long 5.5 mm in paper box Pencil Series by E+M® of Germany

Workman Clutch Long 5.5 mm in paper box Pencil Series by E+M® of Germany

Workman Clutch Long 5.5 mm in paper box Pencil Series by E+M® of Germany
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Here is the workhorse Clutch 5.5 mm long pencil in three finishes.

lead size: 5.5 mm HB standard
will take: 5.5 mm lead of any type
length: 5.5"
packaged: bulk packaged/paper box
Features Benefits
One in Beech
If not in stock, all other quantities are special order items so allow 2-3 weeks to receive once order is placed. Subject to availability.