Classic Sport Clear Ballpen Pen by Kaweco®
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This ballpoint pen joins the rest of the Kaweco Classic Sport line. The sporty and compact look of these pens transcend fashion time and are just as attractive today as they were when they were first created years ago. Each pen is made of high-quality plastic. The pens are compact (approx. 4.1 inches long) and feature a metal Kaweco logo on the top of each knock button. Pushing the knock button extends the pen tip. Pen accepts any D1 sized refill.
Pen dimensions: Approximately 10.5 cm long x 14 mm in diameter.
length 10.5 cm
will take D1 style refill
recommended refills:
Scheider® Express 56, Private Reserve Ink® 635 D1 refills, Softroll fits D1 refills by MonteVerde®
Remaining stock: ONE Clear Classic Sport Ballpens