Invincia Fountain Pens by MonteVerde®
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MonteVerde�: Invincia Fountain Pens
Here is what happens when art and technology are blended in perfect symbiosis. The black tie carbon fiber is a technological breakthrough that combines two colors on many levels. This results in a finish that gives the Invincia a vibrancy that has never been seen before. This exceptional fountain pen comes with a fine, broad or medium nib by Monte Verde.
stainless steel; F, M & some in B
ink supply:
will take standard international cartridges
ink supply:
converter included also
bottled ink recommended by:
De Atramentis®, Noodler's Ink®, Parker®, Pelikan®, Private Reserve Ink®, Sheaffer® Skrip®,Waterman®
recommended ink cartridges by:
MonteVerde®, Private Reserve Ink®, Schneider® 600, Sheaffer®
In stock: ONE Tartania in medium [also discontinued]; ONE Rose Gold medium
Now available...1.1 Italic Stub nib. Should you wish this nib, please note in COMMENT FIELD when checking out and note which pen you to have this nib added.
All other colors/ amounts will be special order items so allow 2-3 weeks to receive once ordered. Subject to availability