Strata Rollerball Pen Series by Taccia®...last of the line
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Caran d'Ache�: Ecridor Enclat Lumiere D'Hiver SE Ballpoint Pen
As a certified retailer for Tacciar® I am able to only list their products at their recommended MSRP or allowed discount. Other certified retailers of this manufacturer are given the exact same guidelines. Should you see prices under the MSRP, I would caution you as to whether or not you are receiving an item from a certified retailer of this manufacturer. Purchasing items from non-certified retailers may invalidated your guarantee. However, only the manufacturer can address that issue with certainly. Remember buying below MSRP or our authorized discount price may not actually represent a "savings".
We sell only new products.
closed: 5 1/4; posted: 6 1/4
takes any universal configuration rollerball refill
RB refills recommended:
Schneider Topball 850, Schmidt 5888/5285/888, PRI 5285
gift box:
In stock: ONE Niagra Falls, ...end of the line; ONE Violet Berries